11.07.2014 - Company announcement
Aarsleff close to contract for large biogas plant
Per Aarsleff A/S has entered into an agreement concerning the execution of Northern Europe’s largest biogas plant which will be situated near the town of Tønder in Southern Denmark.
The contract value of the biogas plant in Tønder amounts to approx. DKK 300 million and includes an option for a similar plant in the town of Aabenraa. The total contract value of both biogas plants amounts to approx. DKK 600 million.
The contract is to be carried out as a turnkey contract for ENVO Biogas Tønder A/S and comprises a plant to be established on a 12-hectare-large area. The project is commenced by a design phase which is expected to be followed by a contract for the execution phase.
Per Aarsleff A/S is primarily to carry out civil engineering work, including earthwork and concrete work, whereas the technical installation contract, consisting of electricity, pipe work and processing plant, is to be carried out by the subsidiary Wicotec Kirkebjerg A/S. The process technology will be supplied by the German collaborative partner LimnoSun GmbH.
The work for the biogas plant in Tønder starts now and is expected to be completed in 22 months. The option for the biogas plant in Aabenraa is planned with a staggered execution start of six months.
Bo Asmussen, CEO of ENVO, says: "We are looking forward to collaborating with Aarsleff, and we intend to build the most beautiful and sustainable biogas plant seen so far”.
The contract does not affect Aarsleff's earnings expectations for the financial year 2013/2014.