
We contribute with more biodiversity

No matter where we are working, in the city or in the countryside, in Denmark or abroad, we must take responsibility for biodiversity. How do we ensure that our work has the least possible impact on the native animal and plant life? And how do we integrate solutions that contribute to increased variety of species – in the short term as well as the long term? These are questions that we must be able to answer.

Therefore, we have published a new guide to inspire our employees to support biodiversity. The guide includes major and minor initiatives, and it is structured so that we can find a specific solution for a specific project.

We admit that it is more a “how to”-guide than a new biodiversity bible – but our ambition is also very concrete. Because we must stay on the track where we focus on more than just black and red numbers in the financial statements, but also on the green bottom line.

As our Group CEO Jesper Kristian Jacobsen states in the introduction to the guide:

"We will contribute positively to biodiversity and ecosystems in our workday and on our projects – and hope that we can inspire others to do the same."

Read the guide below – where we show the way to initiatives that can help animals and plants – also when we leave the construction site.

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Aarsleff’s guide to biodiversity on land